Orbital is a network of blockchain networks, solving the problems of real-world utility, performance and security.
Choice of consensus protocol (Proof-of-Authority or Proof-of-Stake) and a REST API library makes Orbital easy to integrate with popular client user interfaces or into existing workflows.
Orbital tokens are feature rich. In addition to simple functionality like Creating and Updating tokens, there are modules that determine which users can hold tokens (Blacklisting and Whitelisting), and a comprehensive library for charging Fees, including for issuance, transfer and redemption. In addition, there are also functions to retrieve token Balances and Transaction Histories from the ledger.
Identity, or rather pseudo-identity is the cornerstone of any blockchain network. Accounts exist as a cryptographic keypair – public address and private key for signing.
Accounts can create, own and transact Tokens and Assets. Tokens can also be owned and transferred programmatically by Assets.
In addition to basic transfer and bi-party exchange of tokens and assets, the Orbital library has a sophisticated, multi-party, multi-token, multi-asset trade function. Including the option to specify possession or ownership transfer as part of the conditions, essentially makes this an unlimited escrow function that accommodates a multitude of use cases regardless of complexity and counterparties.
Parts of this Escrow function can be pre-packaged as Collections by independent parties and added to the overall contract.
Orbital Assets (non-fungible tokens) are considerably more functional and versatile than NFTs on other platforms. When Creating Assets, users can define attributes in immutable metadata and mutable metadata to accommodate updates. However, all updates, in fact all events, are recorded in the asset for audit purposes and can be retrieved by calling the Asset History.
Finally, there are offline tools that facilitate cryptographic signing that allow users to authorise transactions from their accounts even when they are not connected online to the ledger.
There are a host of utility or “helper” functions including a simple peer-to-peer messaging function and the facility to Upload images, videos, and other media.
There is a Tag function that allows the user to add keypair metadata to any transaction for downstream indexing, grouping or searching.
There is a Claim function that locks up tokens that can be claimed by any user that has the “secret”. This function can be used for various incentive programs like location-targeted loyalty and airdrops, or for access control for example.
Orbital is uniquely
Records transactions quickly and cheaply.
Immutable, public record of transactions.
Transaction details are only known to the contracting parties.
Launching 2022.
The Orbital app will include: A live price tracker Card payments to buy EPIC! Orbital network functionality & forums.
Orbital Client App NOW Launched.
Orbital is the easiest blockchain framework upon which to build applications that serve useful purposes in the real world.

The DAO Maker: distributed autonomous governance staking distribution voting
The DAO Maker is a suite of modules specifically engineered for the easy and secure creation and management of a Distributed Autonomous Organisation, including governance, staking, distribution and voting, and crisis management.
Fiat Gateway.
Given the continued complexity and growing regulatory oversight of bank and card crypto-fiat gateways, the Orbital library will include functions that facilitate the trustless exchange of cryptotokens and cash or other real-world assets.